
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

If the Sock Fits

Remember those terribly bright socks I was knitting? Well, here they are - finished! As you may be aware, I do have ghastly trouble knitting a sock that fits. The last pair was so tight they were actually painful, but I persevered and wore them through the pain, and they now fit, although I practically have to shoehorn them on. Anyway, the point is, this latest pair fits like a glove, um, like a sock (should).

I just cast on 56 stitches on 2.5mm needles and knitted the whole thing in stocking stitch, instead of all those fancy-pants patterns I've been doing lately. I knitted an extra four rows of heel flap to give a little extra around the instep but I think these would have fitted anyway. They're quite stretchy.

I really like the Lana Grossa yarn I used and am even coming to terms with the colourway. The yarn itself knits into a very soft and light sock and is very easy to knit with. Perhaps you can tell how much I like these socks - I've added too many gratuitous sock photos. I'm also half way through a pair for Charles, using the leftovers (wellie socks). By the way, the one at the top isn't me in my nightie. It's a black net skirt I'd worn that day and it has a cream underskirt, which is showing through quite boldly, due to the flash. I took the photo in the dark, not being terribly organised.

The other thing is, I've started a new blog, The Fitter Princess and the Pea, owing much to how fat I am and how unfit I suddenly am. I'm hoping it will motivate me. Really, I'm just copying Dipping My Toes Back in the Water, who has done the same thing. That's a funny blog, by the way. Give it a visit if you can.
And it's got great music on it, too.

Oh, and by the way, you might like to check out this shop I came across, Foreign Strand. It stocks some yarns I've heard mentioned but not seen available to buy in the UK.


  1. The socks are great, I'm always on good terms with bright colours :) Stocking stitch too - yep, that's my kind of sock knitting. Glad they're comfy.

    I'll hop over to your new blog to make encouraging noises if that will help. ;o)

  2. Thanks for the link by the way, it didn't work for me earlier but I'm having a nice browse now. Didn't know about this one.

  3. Oh, good. I came across it when I stumbled on the owner's blog, Forbidden Knitter. Her name is Luciana.

  4. Great socks for wearing during the gloomy weather (which we are having a lot of lately). Charles is going to love his pair too!

    Best wishes on your new journey. One day at a time, and you will do it!

  5. Those socks are cool! And good luck with the fitness program... I need to go on one too, I'm feeling like such a blob lately.

  6. classic socks!! I love the cheerful colors, will be useful on all those rainy days to wear with clogs/boot/Crocs Shoes!
    congrats on the health program! I know how you feel, and have been trying to get back in shape as well.

  7. oh, by the way, I love the socks for the kid. I just finished a pair for my son from leftover trekking xxl.
    the socks and mini-me...

  8. glad the socks fit like a glove, or what have you. so cheerful! now i have to check out your other blog.

  9. Lovely socks - I bet your're enjoying them.
    Interesting link to Foreign Strand. The "lana del artista" from Rio de la Plata looks exactly like the handspun kettley-dyed bulky yarn from, which is also from Uruguy. (Very different prices though!)
    Good luck with the new health regime.

  10. Nice socks! Somehow I can contemplate putting almost any colour on my feet. I am NOT going to thank you for that link... the dusty purple Exotica is my colour. I will resist, I will resist, I will gain strength by contemplating my stash.

    Hey, they're going to be at the K&S show in London!

  11. The socks look great. Very impressive - definitely deserve all the photographs.

    Well done on the get fit motivation. I'm always trying and failing. I'll have to read your blog.

  12. Thanks for the heads-up on the Foreign Strands. And the comments - Angelica is getting lots of wear, though she grows hugely in the wearing, and if I make another (I may) I shall make it TIGHT around the shoulders!

    Isn't Voddy clever? And she's learning to perform...
