
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Not So Fast

The knitting in the photo above is the reason that the Edwardian Stole still won't be finished any time soon. A friend of mine really quite fancied one of those floaty scarves, knitted in the KSH, on large needles. Who am I to deprive her of this (her birthday is 12th October)? So, here we go again. The only nice thing about knitting with KSH on large-ish (7mm) needles is being able to look at the beautiful silky lustre of this yarn as the light catches it, something I've only just realised the Edwardian Stole is lacking; the black is just not pretty to knit with at all. Mind you, I prefer knitting the black lace pattern to the interminable k1p1 of the scarf.

Another reason for stalling on the stole is I got a copy of the book Eats Shoots and Leaves at the weekend in St Alban's, which is a lovely town. It's a book on punctuation (or lack of/misuse of same) in current times. I've wanted it for ages and it hasn't disappointed me; it's funny and informative. I'm hoping to learn something from it.

It would be great if I could start Forecast sometime soon but I just can't do it without finishing one of my WIPs first. Still, the yarn is sitting there, ready and waiting.


  1. ah, yes, the song of the waiting yarn is loud and clear- pick me! pick me!

  2. So nice knitted up - so not nice to knit with :) It'll be lovely.
    Thanks for the Struwwlpeter (I believe I am spelling that differently every time?) story info. I can't believe that any child can enjoy it, lol. Those pictures scare the living daylights out of me still!

  3. That's a beautiful shade of KSH you're using.

    ESaL is a fantastic book - it's wondeful to know I'm not the only person who is anal about grammar!

  4. let us know what you think of the book. i've heard both that it's great and that she's pompous -- and uses some questionable punctuation in the book. i just use too many dashes!

  5. ohh, what a wicked girl you are!! Putting that gorgeous shot up there..
    Knit on!

  6. That's the colour KSH I used for my fave beret. It really does have a beautiful sheen, yes.

  7. It's no wonder your friend wants one of those scarves the last one was beautiful.

    I've read that book too - very funny. I'll have to watch my punctuation when I comment from now on!

  8. KSH looks great all knotted up, or still in a ball, or k2p2, or is the best yarn ever. That color looks like summer sky...sigh.

    Yes, please share some ESaL with us. I've been meaning to read that, and you just might tempt me. I've heard the sequel is also good.

  9. Oh I really must get some KSH soon to try but I do have rather a lot of yummy stuff in my stash to use up . I do love the colour you have chosen , lucky friend.
    Will check out the book , although I havne't been doing much reading for ages now and I do miss it

  10. That KSH looks lovely, I haven't used that colour and now I feel I am missing something. Gosh how I love KSH, you have a very lucky friend.
