
Friday, January 05, 2007

Six Weird Things

I have been tagged by
Kathryn (before Xmas!), Forbidden Knitter and Cherry, to list six weird things about myself. This was difficult as, although I sometimes think I'm weird, I couldn't think of why! I still can't, so I've just grabbed six out of the air:

I have to put tins, packets, spoons (everything, in fact) up the right way, even on the conveyor belt when shopping. Packets and tins absolutely must be opened at the top. I don't know what might happen if I forgot one day. I could never forget, so it's not an issue.

I am the worst (best?) hypochondriac I know, except for most members of my family. I am thinking of getting "help" as it's taking over my life again. This is not a good weird thing. It is very bad.

I absolutely cannot be too restricted (eg, someone pinning me down, in fun). I was once wrapped in a carpet as a child (by other children) and have never forgotten the feeling of claustrophobia, even though they kindly left my head poking out. I go ABSOLUTELY CRAZY if anyone attempts to hold me down, even if it's just my hands.

Like Cherry I often throw an impromptu disco for myself and Charlie, or on my own. I can get into quite a euphoric state dancing to cheesy tunes (even Cliff Richard.....). If you've never tried it, do. You might surprise yourself.

I don't answer the phone. I like to be able to choose who I speak with, and when. You can imagine how much I detest my door-bell ringing.

I eat strange combinations of foods. I don't mind if they don't go together, as long as I like each food. I went through a phase of having tuna and sprouts every day. I love sprouts and still eat them several times a week, as a snack.

Well, that's six. I could do a few more but wouldn't wish to bore your pants off.


  1. Ahh, the old get down and boogie. I'm a big fan of lounge room discos, too!

  2. You're not too weird. hehe :) Thanks for sharing!

    As for being a hypochondriac, I'm sure if you just thought about it a little, you could see that there's nothing wrong with you and you're fine, etc. :) Especially since you are so healthy and take good care of yourself. :)

  3. love to disco at home with the kid!!!
    I think this "6 weird" is very relative. what is perfectly custom in one place is odd in another. does not strike me as weird either. I was also tagged and must come up with the "goods"...

  4. I too have 1, 2, 3 and 5. If anyone tries to pin any part of me down I will burst into tears. And if I am tickled I sob uncontrollably. It terrifies me. I didn't have the house phone switched to 'ringer on' for several years, just had the mobile and about 3 people in the world knew the number. I now have an answer machine which gets switched on if I am having a good day.
    I don't know about you but the hypochondria got worse with the birth of my child as I now am scared of dying and leaving her. It IS very bad, I understand.
    And now I feel like a mad person :P

  5. I'm a hypochondriac too. But when I stress about these things I always end up thinking why am I spoiling today over something which might never happen? It really isn't worth it.

    I'm with you on the phone and doorbell issues too.
