
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ooooh, Look!

The Snowman, built at 8:30 this morning.

Charles, with a black eye. That's what comes of throwing a wooden brick at the wall, and it bouncing back at you.


  1. in NYC we had no snow and we LOVE your snow man!!

  2. How lovely to have so much snow, we havent had any, Neo is sooo disapointed.

  3. A classic snowman. Brilliant! And you've still got snow left over... a snowgirl? We've got lots, too. It's still falling, but melting faster than it builds.

  4. I wonder if that hat is one of the reasons Charles doesn't want the new one. Great snowman, you must have been up early.

  5. Poor Charles :(
    Our snowman was built by 8.30am too!

  6. Our snow is pitiful compared to yours. And Charles's hat!! You didn't knit that - did you? Its super.

  7. Nice snow time. Not enough snow in Yorkshire to make a snow gnome! Like the latest hat by the way!

  8. Oh what fun - how I used to love those mornings waking up and seeing snow. Meant to reply re the post and your sons not wanting to wear handknits. My sons were the same - everything itched according to them. I had sucess with the rowan wool/cotton and of the course their denim yarn that wears like iron and is perfect for active boys I think. However - there is hope. My soon to be 14 year old son has expressed an interest in a handknit again after all these years of resistance. Trouble is - he's alot bigger now! Enjoy the snow....

  9. What a great snow man! Poor Charles. He looks adorable in that hat even with a black eye!

  10. Fabulous snowman. Not so fabulous black eye, poor Charles!

  11. Charles looks very tough....I'm sure he learned a big lesson there too! We had a bit of snow down our way, but not as much as you! Looks lovely!

  12. Oh poor Charlie , hope he enjoyed building the snow man. I love snow but didn't yesterday as I wanted to go out in the car to my SWD Guild :( NO WAY and its still snowing up here but not sticking

  13. I just popped over from nanas blog. I love the baby cable socks from a few posts ago.

  14. Wow, you got more snow than any other blog I've seen! We got barely a sprinkle and it turned to sleet within minutes. The second snow pic looks like a magic garden.
