
Friday, January 28, 2011

I Should Be Doing Something About the State of My House...

But so far this morning I have cut out the pieces for a shirt, and faffed around a bit doing Nothing.

However (don't faint) I made a dress yesterday. Just as threatened in my last post, it was the DKNY Vogue 2091, cap-sleeve, slash-neck one I made before in white, but that photo has disappeared. Anyway...on a whim I suddenly (and I do really mean that) somehow cut out the black lycra I had washed and prepared last July (yes, it's true) and got to work. This was at about 1pm and by 7:30 it was all done. I really really like this dress to wear, but seriously, I still cannot work out how the devil those little cap sleeves are supposed to be inserted at the bottom af the armscye. It took me ages of "doing my own thing" to get them to look right and I still have no idea what on earth the pattern is going on about (how to do it properly, in other words). Luckily it looks okay. If it didn't, I wouldn't be able to wear it, even if nobody else's just the way I am.

Unlike the last time, I didn't sew the side-tucks down and I'm not too sure if I like them loose. Maybe I prefer them looking more defined. Time will tell. Sorry the photo is so bad - I know it's grainy and you can't see any details properly. If you click on it, it will go clearer. Black is terrible to photograph, isn't it?

I SO have more lycra in my cupboard from which I can make more and more of these dresses but I fear that my friends will start to notice that I only have one style of dress to wear these days, not that it would surprise them.

The fabric in the top pic is some cotton, handprinted (with wax, does that make it a Batik?). I got ten metres of the stuff for £5 from a market in Oxford. It's very light in weight and the weave is quite open. It frays like crazy. I've cut out the pieces for a shirt, so wish me luck! Oh, and the fabric to the right is some chunky cord, which I will make a short skirt from (denim style, you know).


  1. OOh I've never noticed that Vogue pattern. It's really nice it really shows of your figure.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog ! Re the fabric shops the one I mentioned is an hours drive away but well worth it . If you are going to Brighton you must visit Ditto fabrics. I am always stalking their site and I would love to visit one day . Most of the fabrics are designer apparently.

  2. Thanks Lisa! I meant to visit Ditto last time I went but didn't manage it. However, it was only because I had found them on the internet, without knowing anything about them. Now I have your recommendation, too! I'll make sure I go.

  3. Love that yellow print fabric!

    The black dress looks good :-)
