This is a First
No photos today, I'm afraid - for the first time ever. And not much to report, either. I've been knitting my scarf every day, but only a little, so it's growing quite slowly, although it has turned into a two-skein scarf and I'm about two thirds of the way through the second one. It's going to be a lanky scarf. No, not lanky. To describe it as lanky would be to imply that it's long and skinny, but it's about 26 inches wide. Well, 26 inches at one end and the other tapers in a bit due to my dodgy tension. I tell you, I have plans for this baby. This is no ordinary scarf. This is the winter companion to the Knitting Princess and her niggly little peas, (you know, all those things in life that must be just so, otherwise a major tantrum is in order: coffee must be less than one week old and kept in the freezer, ear plugs at night ALWAYS, bottom sheet on bed must be smooth or else, spoons must be the right way up on the draining board, crikey I'll stop there. I'd like to point out I'm not OC with the housework. Sometimes wish I was, then my house might be free of dust and cobwebs). Back to the scarf. A scarf for all occasions. It's going to be fluffy and light and warm and glam and cosy and casual and smart and anything else that might be required of it. It's not fancy but I can see I'll like it. There you are.
I found this article on the net today and I identified with the author in some ways. I'm not saying I'm an all-out introvert , but generally I am. When it comes to socialising at all, I am. It was quite a relief to read, actually. You may have read a post of mine from a few weeks back, where I said I wasn't that keen on having too many friends or socialising etc. etc........ and I felt quite horrid admitting to this aspect of my personality. But now I think maybe I'm not that horrid and selfish - I just don't enjoy certain aspects of umm....socialising. Not sure if there might be a better word for it. Anyway, you see what I'm getting at. Maybe others see some of themselves in it, too. Or maybe you're all out and out extroverts, like half of my family!
Right. Got to go before I am no longer able to resist posting a photo that's completely unrelated to anything.
Monday, August 07, 2006
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Oh Alice no way are you horrid. You are such a warm, caring and creative person. I can relate so much to how you feel, believe me. Thats why blogging suits me at times!!
ReplyDeleteOh you are a tease LOL your scarf sounds yummy can't wait to see what it looks like
Yep I can identify with the article, I did the Myers Briggs test some years ago, think the result was INTJ. I don't like socialising for its own sake, don't like big groups or people talking "at" you :-) Some of us work best alone, and can be perfectly happy left alone, it's certainly nothing to worry about, it would be most boring if we were all the same :-)
ReplyDeleteOh the Galumph is a classic introvert! And I wouldn't have him - or you - any other way!
ReplyDeleteI think maybe all of us might well be introverted in our own ways. I really don't like going to a strange place on my own and will send DH in first so I can hide behind him. But then here we all are blogging our lives to all - maybe its a safe way to be extroverted with no face to face contact. But as everyone has rightly said you are lovely Alice and always have fantastic photos - I always wany my head chopped off my photos! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm new to your site, and want to thank you for your article post. I can so relate...people sometimes just wear me out! Glad to know I'm not alone. :)